
Conrad Family: Party of 5

I have to start this post by saying that I absolutely had a blast taking these pics.

The Conrad Family is hilarious, fun and adorable- so easy to work with!

This is, BY FAR, my favorite photo of them!Heather and Phil Loving this one by the tree.

All I can think to say is "awwwwwwww!!" how sweet!


LOVE this one too. (did I say this already? yeah, i did, but i love them all.)

how cool is this theater?! love the blue

LOVE this one too!!!

I asked them all to imitate Phil, this is what we got! Love the sense of humor these guys have!


I tried really hard to narrow these down to less than ten, but it was impossible. Couldn't be done!! There are just too many good ones, thanks Conrad family for such a fun afternoon!

1 comment:

jeffsgal212 said...

That kissing pic on the bench is PRICELESS - they're all wonderful shots, but that one KILLS ME!