
Tantrum Free Toddler Sessions.

As a mom of a 10 year old and a 6 year old, once a foster mom, and for awhile- a babysitter, I have dealt with my share of tantrums from kiddos!  I have been there in Walmart and had to leave my cart behind and make a trip to the bathroom to quiet a squealing child.  I meet moms for sessions all the time who are going through the same things I did, so I want to share some advice in hope that it helps.  Some of the items are obvious, but we'll cover them in an all-inclusive Melt-Down Prevention Plan.  Haha!

  •  Planning for photos starts a week before.  Seriously, if naps are off schedule throughout the week, kids are less likely to be themselves.  They need to have that consistency to keep them on course all the way up until the day of your session.
  • Shots.  I have photographed more than 10 kids who just came from getting shots.  Don't  do it.  Just don't do it.  I know you already have the day off to go to the doctor, but if you have to schedule them on the same day, get a late doctor appointment and do photos first.  Feverish babies and toddlers who have had needles stuck in them HATE photo sessions afterwards. 
  • Don't expect them to sit in one spot and smile.  The best kinds of sessions are unscripted where you follow the child around a park and watch them enjoy life.  If your photographer is skilled, they can shoot with crazy fast shutter speeds that can catch anything.  Don't worry about blur.  IF they HAVE TO sit still for your photographer, you're going to the wrong one.  
  • Rather than saying, SMILE, SMILE!!  Over and over, say things that naturally make them smile.  
  • Bring a well fed kiddo to the shoot who has had plenty of fluids.  You'll want to start them with a full tank!  Snacks are great, but only in moderation, you don't want half chewed skittles showing in those pics!  Save the snacks for the end if possible.  Don't make threats during the sessions (you're not going to get that snack if you don't smile), but rather- make PROMISES that you intend to keep (We'll be stopping at Grandma's and having cookies, doesn't that sound great?) <<Insert likely toddler smile there!
  • Begin the session by playing first, don't dive right into pictures right off the bat.  If your photographer is a stranger, they'll need time to acclimate to the new person.  Trust has to be built.  Meet at a local park for photos so the drive isn't long, and the kids can enjoy playing during the shoot.
  • Keep outfit changes simple, and minimal.  Most children fall apart at the idea of having to change their shirt.  
  • Don't expect things from them that they have never done before.  Kids are creatures of habit, they do best with consistency.
  • Practice at home.  If the kids have never seen a camera and think only an iphone is a camera, things can be a bit more complicated at the session.  Practice smiling in the mirror.  Make up different names for different faces like:  This is our cheesy face, This is our happy face, this is our goofy face.  Then later rather than saying smile, you can ask them to show you those faces.
  • Explain to them what they'll be doing and how FUN it will be!  Share the photographer's name with the child so they know who to expect.
  • If it's frigid, insanely humid, a sick day, or all of the above (scary!) Don't be afraid to reschedule.  Your photographer likely has kids and will understand!

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