This is Daniel and his new baby brother, Connor.
Daniel is going to be 3 very soon. I remember when he was born how absolutely adorable he was, and now he has an adorable brother who looks so much like him!!
(oh yes, and scroll down to see cousin Ruby's pic as further proof that cuteness runs in the family)
kisses for Connor

Look at those eyes!

I love baby toes!!

what a sweet little man
lovin' this picture, definitely a favorite.

Need a ham? Daniel's the man! This kid can certainly ham it up for pics.
One very awesome little dude!

Daniel had a small accident while we were shooting.. it involved Mud and a white shirt.
But he's okay!

Davis Brothers (add one more and it would be like
deja vu)
I once heard that Davis brothers come in groups of three.
Snugglin' up on Momma

More baby toes!

little hands!
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