
how cool is that?!

Josh will tell you that one of my favorite parts of the holiday season is getting cards- (especially ones with pictures I took). I love to see what people do with them and the combinations they come up with. This year, Cookie and Mace take the cake for the best card (in my book)! Thanks for sharing guys, this is awesome!!


Nathan & Kelly: Engaged

As usual, I had a lot of favorite shots and had trouble deciding which ones to post.
I especially love the sephia ones.


A Little Ruby Christmas Cuteness

Toddlers are the most fun and challenging subjects.
Ruby had places-to-go and toys-to-see so we hurried and took these as fast as we could!


Gawthrop Family: So Many Favorites!

If I had a billboard advertising my photos, I'd put this family on it! They are so cute! Hale is just six days younger than our Jude and it has been so much
fun seeing him grow!
a favorite right here!!
Mommy loves Hale

another favorite!

i'm loving this green background!
I guess when you say favorite, that probably indcates one, right?
What word do you use when you have 30+ favorites?
love this one!
and this one!
i know what you're thinking, they look great in every picture, that's just who they are- they are happy and so much fun to be around!

I'm glad I'm not forced to pick just one!


Our Jude: 17 Months

This shoot with Jude reminded me why I don't like to take "posed" pictures. Kids don't like to pose! He sat perfectly still for one, and then it was over! Here is what I ended up with, lots of laughing, jumping around and little man sticking his tongue out at the camera. lol. Oh and I forgot to mention, he learned how to hop like a frog with his hands on his legs while bending, and that is his new way of showing off.

Johns Family Photos

Crysta, Jocelyn, Andrew and JoshuaIt was super windy outside.
Wind has made a lot of photo shoots difficult lately!
But I'm still pretty happy with these results :))maurie and eric: cute couple !Little Crysta didn't want her picture taken, but we caught
her with a sweet smile here, lol.


Ruby Jean: Indoor Shoot

This really should be the face of the next baby-gap model. Cute as pie
another FAVORITE!
Is that the gerber baby?

I can never choose a favorite when comparing the black and white with the color photos.
i love them all!!!!!